General Choi Cup 2011

12th February 2011

 Venue: National Centre for Indigenous Excellence. The venue for this event was extremely suited for sporting activities like Taekwon-Do, the facility was clean, safe and secure. The shop kiosk was well stocked and manned by adequate staff, making it very pleasant surroundings. I look forward to many more events at this place in the future.

The morning of the tournament was perfect as the competitors rolled up to enter and weigh in. Once the rings were set, all competitors lined up for the opening and introductions and then the tournament began. We were running to a very tight schedule and we knew we would have no time to rest if we were to complete on time. Everyone must be congratulated for their efforts in assisting for this to happen, which enabled us to start right on time. Firstly with the patterns, colour and black belts, all competing to take out a placing, the determination and commitment from the competitors was truly impressive.

The sparring component of any tournament is probably considered the most exciting and interesting part, as the competitors prepared themselves with their protective equipment and trying to shake off the nerves that they were experiencing. Once in the ring it is game on and they will use all the knowledge that they have learnt from training and put it into action.

The competition was fierce, with everyone looking to take out the 1st place trophy in their division. The outstanding display of courage, respect for their opponent and their ability was an impressive sight to see. Even though some divisions were small in number resulting in some having a physical advantage, the bouts were well controlled to eliminate injury. Even though they may not have won a trophy, they have won more than that, they have learnt that the experience is by far, more beneficial than any trophy.

The special techniques were also an amazing sight, with a display of extraordinary abilities to reach the specified targets, some with ease and some disappointed knowing they should have done better, as the targets are pushed higher and higher eliminating one by one, until finally we are left with the 3 final placing.

In all the General Choi Cup has been a success, and will continue to grow with the support of our members and instructors, hope to see you all at our next event.

John Abdallah

Assistant Manager
ITF Australia Pty Ltd &
IL Shim International
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