News from the Melbourne Club

DSC00583We woke at 4:30 am for the 4hr drive to Parramatta, with a sense of excitement and expectation, for the much anticipated Mark Trotter seminar.
We have been very fortunate to know Mark through our previous overseas travels and were well aware that we were about to be instructed by one of the worlds most popular and recognisable Taekwon-do competitors. Mark is a multiple world champion in several disciplines, and this was a rare opportunity to be coached by him in a small group environment.
For this seminar, the main focus was on some fundamental sparring skills, with a short session of traditional sparring thrown in to the mix. As well as a mix of students from the Sydney area, there were several instructors and students from as far away as Melbourne and the Sunshine


Coast who traveled to learn from Marks experience. He gave everyone in attendance a number of things to work on to improve their fundamental sparring techniques as well as a challenge to work much harder during their everyday training sessions on strength and conditioning.
I am sure that the people who attended this seminar have been challenged to work hard on improving in the areas identified, and we are all looking forward to the next opportunity to train with Mark.


Queensland Black Belt

Congratulations to Il Shim Members who completed Black Belt Gradings recently

Gold Coast

Queensland Black Belt




Sydney Black Belts

Master Daher Instruction

On the 7th of December Il Shim Taekwon-Do Melbourne hosted Master Michael Bou Daher for our final Masterclass and Grading for 2013.
Master Daher flew from Sydney on the Friday night which was fantastic as Michelle and I had the opportunity to enjoy dinner with Master Daher. It was great to relax over dinner and discuss 2013 and our achievements and also look forward to what 2014 will hold for ourselves and the organisation. There is certainly a lot to be proud of that happened in 2013 and so much to look forward to next year. We also took time to reminisce over the years we have known each other and the experiences we have shared and the people we have met along the way.
20131207_130604After an early night we had the absolute privilege for Michelle and I to spend two hours under the tuition of Master Daher. You might think that we spent two hours working on our patterns but we essentially worked on just three techniques, delving deep into the way the body moves before , during and following the technique. It was a fantastic experience and we both learned a great deal about the way we were moving our bodies during completion of our movements.
At around 10.15am students from the Melbourne and Latrobe Valley clubs began to arrive. We began the day with the final grading of the year. There were a large number of junior ranks all the way up to Elizabeth Williams grading for 1st Kup. Most students excelled but I was most proud of White Belt Yellow stripe Alastair who has come a long way this year. At one point this year Alistair was asked not to return to class due to his poor listening in class. Alastair took some time out and then came back with a vengeance and trained and graded so well that the he drew praise from Master Daher.
Yellow Belts GradingWe then moved onto the Masterclass where Master Daher questioned students about their understanding of the movements within their patterns. Various movements were broken down within the patterns and everyone walked away with a much better understanding of what the movements were for. Lots of the students walked away with bruises after a lot of partner work, it was just like the old days!



Master Daher Demonstrating

Dagen hadde kommet for meg å gradere meg til 2. Dan sort belte. Jeg var veldig spent og nervøs i forhold til hvordan Master Daher kom til å kombinere Masterklassen med graderingen.

Vi begynte med Chon-Ji, og fokuserte på applikasjon av teknikkene vi gjorde, og tankene bak første blokken og punchet. Master Daher viste oss også en praktisk metode å øve på teknikkene med en partner, så vi bedre kunne forstå metodikken og grunnen til at vi må ha den riktige høyden og riktig stilling.

Vi repeterte denne fremgangsmåten når vi gikk igjennom de høyere mønsterene, og fokuserte på grunnen til at bevegelsene var gjort på denne måten. I løpet av dagen lærte jeg mye om mønsterne som jeg ikke hadde tenkt over før, som for eksempel at mestepartene av teknikkene i mønsterne kommer fra tidligere mønstre. Jeg endte opp med å få et helt nytt perpektiv i til mønsterne og lærte mye om prinsippene bak bevegelsene, og hvordan man timet de med sine wave og pust.

1379442_10200795088015032_1283831429_nNår det kom til gradering var jeg veldig nervøs siden jeg aldri har gradert meg i Australia før, og jeg ikke visste hva jeg kunne forvente. Det viste seg at vi ble testet på de samme tingene som i Norge, men vi gjorde det i en litt annen rekkefølge.  En ting som var akkurat det samme, var hvor mye innsatsen du gir under graderingen betyr for at du består, Master Daher vektla hvor viktig det var at vi ga 100 prosent innsats under graderingen, uansett hvor slitne vi var. Jeg syntes dette er noe som er like viktig når det kommer til vanlig trening for alle som trener Taekwon-Do, man oppnår mye mer når man alltid gird et sin fulle innsats.

Under graderingen gikk vi igjennom våre høyeste mønstre først, før vi gikk over til fysisk trening, teori, applikasjoner til bevegelser, putetrening og lavere mønstre før vi avsluttet med knusing.

Selv med alle forberedelsene jeg hadde gjort, var det en veldig tøff gradering og det eneste som fikk meg igjennom hele økten var å fokusere på hva jeg gjorde der og da, og jeg endte opp med å drive meg selv forbi hva jeg trodde var mulig. Jeg hadde et par feiltrinn, som for eksempel mislyktes jeg i å knuse med punch, men alt i alt tror jeg at graderingen gikk veldig bra for meg, og alle andre som var oppe til test.

Det var en herlig følelse å bestå til 2. Dan på slutten av en lang dag med trening. Vi var alle ganske emosjonelle på slutten, det ble felt tårer blant både de som hadde gått opp, og foreldrene som hadde sittet og sett på graderingen, men alle vekslet smil og klemmer og stemningen var veldig god etter en krevende dag.

Jeg er alltid veldig glad for å ha muligheten til å bli med på et seminar med Master Daher, hver gang oppnår jeg et helt nytt nivå av forståelse for teknikker og jeg lærer masse om meg selv som en person. Det er alltid interresant å se hvordan Master Daher vikler inn lærdom om hvordan man kan bruke teknikker og prinsippene i Taekwon-Do i hverdagslivet. Jeg vil takke Master Daher for hvor dedikert han er til sporten og å gi videre av hans lærdom til oss når det kommer til teknikker og prinsippene bak Taekwon-Do. Jeg forlot hallen med inspirasjon til å fortsette med treningen og med ny lærdom når det kom til meg selv.

Jeg vil også takke Mr. Paul Harper, Mrs. Michelle Harper og resten av Il-Shim Taekwon-Do Melbourne for støtten de har gitt meg. Helt tilslutt vil jeg takke Master Garnæs for alt han har lært meg opp igjennom årene, alle vennene jeg har fått og instruktørene jeg har hatt i Taekwon-Do over årene. Jeg hadde ikke greid dette uten dere.


Caroline Agerup

IL Shim TaeKwon-Do Melbourne

Black belt grading & seminar                                                                       5TH October 2013

Master Daher Melbourne GradingLeading up to this event was an intensive 2-3 months of hard work and training, in an endeavour to succeed in the objective at hand, which was to improve our patterns and techniques. But for 7 individuals it was also to pass their respective black belt gradings, there were participants from Melbourne, Latrobe Valley, Stawell and New Zealand.

With the guidance of Master Daher and Mr Harper the day commenced around 8.00am for an 8.30am start.

First item on the agenda was a warm up session, which definitely did warm you up, a fast and testing pace was set to test your stamina and endurance, then moving onto the application of individual strikes, blocks and kicks. Such as what part of the forearm is used for an “outer forearm block” and what type of attack would this block be used against.

From there taking what we have learnt and practiced, the understanding and the applications of this into patterns, starting with Chon-Ji we Questions from our Mastercommenced pattern work whilst looking at the finer points of each pattern and the  movements including the purpose of. Some finer points such as “fast motion”, “continuous motion” and “connecting motion” as in Do-San movement 15 (middle punch) & 16 (middle punch) are “fast motion”, in Dan-Gun movement 13 (low outer forearm block) & 14 (rising outer forearm block) are “continuous motion” and in Yul-Gok movement 16 (middle palm hooking block) & 17 (middle punch) are “connecting motion”, the seminar part of the day took us right through to mid-afternoon.

With a short break the black belting grading commenced around 2.30pm for the 7 individuals that were hoping for promotion to the next level, 4 persons for 1st Dan, 1 person for 2nd Dan, 1 person for  3rd Dan and 1 person for 4th Dan. All seven TaeKwon-Do practitioners assembled to commence their grading. One could imagine the trepidation that they would be feeling at this point.

The grading undertook patterns, kicking, fitness, verbal questions on TaeKwon-Do and board breaking for the adults.

1384314_10200795058294289_627865686_nAs the grading came to an end you could see the blood sweat and tears (as they say), that these seven TaeKwon-Do practitioners had put into their grading. A good effort and a due result had come their way, all seven TaeKwon-Do practitioners had succeeded in passing their grading.

Congratulations to Devon Pittman 4th Dan, Michelle Harper 3rd Dan, Caroline Agerup 2nd Dan, Corinne Leahy 1st Dan, Brandon Harper 1st Dan, Ben McEvoy 1st Dan and Shane McEvoy 1st Dan.

The day’s proceedings finished with a dinner at a local restaurant that evening where light hearted conversation was the go, with lots of effort fighting back the exhaustion and the aches and pain the body had endured.

In conclusion I believe that a good day was partaken by all, with an improved knowledge of TaeKwon-Do under the tuition of Master Daher and Mr Harper.

Special thanks of course to Mrs Harper whose endless efforts make all these events possible.

Yours in TaeKwon-Do

John Dwight

3rd Dan, Il Shim Melbourne

Be the best version of you, do the best you can


During the “off-season” a conversation transpired over the phone between myself and Mr Proctor from the Latrobe Valley club. What started as a brief comment around our recent combined grading turned into an idea on how we could encourage further interaction and role-modelling among the young girls from our respective clubs. So it was agreed that I would facilitate a training session for girls only, and invite students from both Latrobe and Melbourne. My main focus was to encourage friendships between the girls so that they could draw courage and inspiration from each other. We don’t often get together since our clubs are a couple of hours apart, so it was great to see them train together so happily.

After some “getting to know you” type activities we covered basic fundamentals, and some kicking drills. Then I introduced the girls to Team Patterns via You-Tube footage. Of course the girls all thought it was too hard and something they could never achieve at their level. So with a little encouragement I asked them to perform Saju-Jirugi (4 direction attack/punch) in time with each other. After all, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a black belt pattern or a white belt pattern, the point is a choreographed routine that reflects timing, teamwork and co-operation! They perforned in sync with each other and so I then began to suggest a couple of ways they could stagger some moves and before they knew it, the girls were performing a team pattern, getting right into the thick of “choreographing” their own routine! I was so happy to see what a little encouragement could do to take the girls from “we can’t do that” to “can we do that again?!”

It was a privilege to host the girls, who bonded so well and they have already asked for more “girls only” training. Actually they asked for it to be a permanent arrangement! But I countered that Mr Harper and Mr Proctor would not be as enthused about that idea 🙂 We certainly will look to arranging more sessions like these, to help increase the confidence of our more shy students, who sometimes can feel that they can’t “match it” with the boys in the club. The great friendships being formed between the girls is also a huge bonus!

Alexandra Proctor (aged 7) was one of the students who attended and I would like to share with you her thoughts on our session (I love her honest, matter-of-fact account 🙂 ):


“On the tenth of the first month of 2013 there was a girls training session. 6 girls turned up. There names were Mrs Harper, Katrina, Rose, Isabella, Alex and Jasmine. We did a quick talk so we could get to know each other.  In the talk we told each other our school and our age. We also got to know each others names.

Then we did a few laps. Every body ran ahead of Mrs Harper.

We did four directional attack. We counted in Korean. Katrina was the best at counting in Korean.

After that we did turning kicks. A few people accidentally did slapping kicks.

We then did jumping kicks. They were jumping front kicks.

Mrs Harper showed us some team patterns videos .We tried to do team patterns . After that Mrs Harper gave us books to put down Taekwon-do stuff .

After the class we went to the park for lunch. We played.”

Thankyou girls, I look forward to training with you all soon!

Michelle Harper

Il Shim Melbourne


ITF Australia will be holding 3 instructors courses during October, run by Master Daher.

Sydney – Saturday, Oct 13th 

Sunshine Coast – Saturday Oct 27th at the PCYC Nambour and is open to Red belt and above.

More details will be added soon.


We are very excited to announce the birth of the newest Il Shim Taekwon-Do club in Dandenong, Victoria!

Commencing in March, IL SHIM Dandenong will be lead by Mrs Jessica Bull, 1st Dan Black Belt. We are very pleased to have Mrs Bull on board and look forward to a successful opening night!

When: Thursday 1st March, 2012
Where: Oasis Leisure Centre, cnr Heatherton Rd and Cleeland Rd, Dandenong
Time: 7:30pm

All available are encouraged to come along and help support Mrs Bull and make the night a success.

Any enquiries for IL SHIM DANDENONG: please phone Mrs Bull on 0402 923 858 or email

Melbourne Grading__Masterclass_Aug2011_299

Achieving a promotion within your Taekwon-Do journey is always exciting. Your efforts in class each week are rewarded with your next belt – a symbol of where you are on the path to Black Belt. Each grading gives you the opportunity to show off how hard you are training, how well you have developed your technique, and puts to the test everything that you have learned so far. Every now and then a student will present themselves for grading and show just how much they deserve their new belt by being awarded a double-promotion. This achievement doesn’t happen often, and is an indication of just how proficient your Taekwon-Do skills need to be in order for it to occur.  Very rarely does this occur twice in one’s journey to Black Belt, certainly not in back-to-back gradings. But this is exactly what Samuel Sankey has achieved at the recent Melbourne grading this month. Sam was double promoted to 5th kup, from 7th kup. And this is after having just been double promoted from 9th kup to 7th kup back in April this year. A brilliant achievement, and certainly not one that many Taekwon-Do practitioners can boast of! 

Sam joined Il Shim Melbourne back in September 2010 with his younger brother Daniel. A quiet achiever, Sam’s conduct in class is exemplary, as is Daniel’s. At 17 years of age Sam shows a maturity beyond his years and is a pleasure to teach. Sam’s Taekwon-Do skills are always improving, he is willing to accept feedback, take it on board, and then develop and refine his technique based on that feedback. We are very proud of Sam’s achievments and look forward to seeing him develop through the Colour Belt syllabus on his way through to becoming a black belt in the not too distant future. 

Upon his first double promotion Sam had this to say: 

“I was both nervous and excited at the possibility of ‘Double Grading’. After warming up and completing combinations along with Master Daher, his encouraging words made me feel more at ease and confident. Before too long it was time to perform my new and first pattern Chon Ji.  On completing it successfully I felt very satisfied, all of my training had been made worthwhile. The whole experience of ‘Double Grading’ was thoroughly enjoyable.   

Speaking with Sam after his second double grading he stated that it was an unexpected surprise but that he was very happy with what he had achieved, paying tribute to the skills of his instructor Mr Paul Harper.

We congratulate Sam on an outstanding start to his Taekwon-Do career!


Michelle Harper

Assistant Instructor – Il Shim Melbourne

Melbourne Grading__Masterclass_Aug2011_299

On Sunday, 3rd of April, Il Shim Melbourne hosted Master Daher for it’s first Masterclass and Grading for 2011.  Also in attendance was Il Shim Latrobe Valley.  A big thank you to Mr Proctor and his students for making the trip up to Melbourne. 
The day started with Master Daher demonstrating sparring techniques and drills for the students.  We practiced the concepts of moving and counter attacking rather than waiting to counter attack after blocking.  The students enjoyed practising their new sparring methods against different opponents.  Following the sparring drills we moved on to refine the self defence techniques we had learnt in our last Masterclass.  Having practiced these techniques since last year, everyone still learnt even more in refining their technique. 
Once the Masterclass was finished the grading began.  We had two students pre-testing for their 1st Degree gradings later this year.  Both candidates did well and can now work on specific areas in preparation for their big gradings later this year.  All students passed but more focus is needed on their walking stances.  A special mention to Sam Sankey who achieved the rare feat of a double promotion from 9th Kup to 7th Kup.  Congratulations to all participants!