Bundaberg Grading and Master Class 17/8/13

Another awesome visit today with Master Daher. The day started with grading. Todays grading was particularly special for me with my youngest son Ashton, performing his first grading. This was just as special for him was he got to meet “Mr Daya”.. gotta love em.

For me as instructor with students on the floor, I take it personally. If they pass I pass and if they fail, I’ve failed. In all it was a good day with Master Daher identifying some student who are showing great potential and also unfortunately I had 2 students fail their grading. Both took this on the chin tho and will learn from the experience.


For these students, Master Daher’s Master Class should have contributed with the learning process.

In the Class Master Daher covered, Step sparing, stances, and blocking techniques.

In step sparring, the students learnt the importance of working together, timing and how these techniques can be utilised in self defence with Mr Lane getting up close and personal with Master Daher again.

Master Daher spent time on the Timing and working together aspect. The importance here is not only the technique but also the safety factor. With 3 step sparring, the stance can dictate the effectiveness and power.

With a partner the first movement you step outside your partners foot, second movement step inside of foot, third movement outside of the foot.BMC0813c

Hand position is very important, knife hand strike your thumb needs to be separated from the fingers, held strong. Though when blocking with the reverse knife hand the thumb is tucked in tight with fingers.

What will happen if someone’s stance is too wide? You will start to loose power and also timing. The stance needs to be 100% correct to be effective.

BMC0813dStances were also scrutinised today. Walking, Sitting, Sitting, Fixed and L.

Walking stance is as it suggests, very similar to our normal walk except slightly longer. When moving forward it is important that both knees bend thus the downward movement and breathing in, remembering not to drop the hands below shoulder level. The sine wave (Down Up Down) is all one movement.BMC0813de

Stationery stance, focus on feet positions, focus on breathing and sine wave, when you start you back motion make sure your elbow is bent & your relaxing the shoulder muscles.

Sitting stance, make sure foot position is correct, left hand up, sine wave, down, breathe, then action reaction with right hand. When you come down you breathe in with back motion. Make sure elbows are bent slightly for second motion with punch. The energy will be there with this motion to assist with power.

Fixed stance, shoulder width apart, breathing in, sign wave, as you coming down your back motion starts & you are breathing in, come up then punch, don’t forget action reaction. Make sure down up down, the breath out and action reaction starts when you come down. Allow the muscles in the shoulders to relax. You need to relax to prepare the body for the next movement, then when you make contact its called connected energy, everything needs to be locked, hard & with high power.

In every Technique, Positioning, motion, rotating is very important.  All this put together along with breathing, back motion, action reaction, twisting. 25% each gives you 100% energy/power. Combined power!

As Master Daher says “Taekwon-do is like the way of life!” it is life.





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